الائتمان الخاص

Funding Souq opens the door to private credit investments, an expansive asset class valued in the trillions, offering diversification beyond traditional markets. As a relatively untapped area, private credit can provide attractive risk-adjusted returns, making it a compelling addition to any investment strategy. Discover how accessing this dynamic market can offer stability, consistent income, and the potential to enhance your portfolio’s resilience in changing economic environments.
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What is Private Credit?
Private credit represents a form of debt financing, structured through direct negotiations with non-bank institutions. It spans a range of financial products, including personal loans, venture funding, and debt provided to small enterprises outside of traditional banking channels.
Businesses, startups, and individuals often pursue private credit solutions when they are unable to tap into public credit markets.
Additional Benefits of Private Credit
  • create-account
    High Yields Persist
    Private credit continues to offer attractive returns, with outstanding deals on Percent having a weighted average of 17.88% APY.
  • browse-opportunities
    Steady Income
    Many private credit deals offer predictable cash flow through monthly or quarterly interest payments. This can replace lower yielding bonds or savings accounts.
  • invest-money
    Private credit provides a stable, low-correlation option to complement your existing portfolio. In the event of a market correction, this can offer a potential buffer against market volatility.
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ليش اختار فندينق سوق؟
At Funding Souq, our goal is to improve the accessibility of private credit investments by conducting extensive due diligence on borrower operations, financial conditions, underwriting practices (including those of third-party underwriters), and loan portfolios.
We seek to establish frameworks that effectively mitigate risks inherent in a marketplace that is now available to a larger number of accredited investors than ever before.
عملية سريعة وسهلة
  • قدم الطلب عبر الموقع الإلكتروني
    قم بتقديم استمارة إلكترونية في ٥ دقائق
  • احصل على الموافقة
    بعد تقييم طلبك بنجاح، ستحصل على عرض خلال 72 ساعة
  • احصل على التمويل
    بعد قبولك، سيتم إطلاق حملة التمويل و ستحصل على التمويل بعد 24 ساعة من انتهاء الحملة
  • الدفعات المسددة
    ادفع شهريًا، أو سدد التزاماتك مبكرًا بدون رسوم إضافية
    احصل على تمويل
ارتقِ بمؤسستك إلى المستوى الأعلى واحصل على التمويل في غضون أيام فقط. يوفر فندينق سوق منصة للشركات تتيح الحصول على التمويل بشكل سريع وميسَر

تستخدم هذه الصفحة ملفات تعريف الارتباط الكوكيز لتحسين تجربتك اثناء التصفح. بالنقر فوق "موافق" ، فإنك توافق على استخدام ملفات الارتباط الكوكيز للتحليل والتسويق. قد يؤثر حظر بعض ملفات تعريف الارتباط الكوكيز على تجربتك للتفاصيل، قم بمراجعة .