• personaliseYourRisk

    Monthly repayments and short investment horizons

  • 0% Hidden Fees

    The return you see is what you get

  • diversifyYourPortfolioByLending

    Regulated by the Saudi Central Bank

Earn regular income up to 26% per year

Sharia compliant investing in small business finance.

Start investing

Earn regular income up to 26% per year

Sharia compliant investing in small business finance.

Start investing
  • personaliseYourRisk

    Monthly repayments and short investment horizons

  • 0% Hidden Fees

    The return you see is what you get

  • regulationBySaudiDubai

    Regulated by the Saudi Central Bank

We make private credit investing fast, safe, and easy
  • create-account
    Create an account
    Register as an investor in less than 3 minutes.
  • browse-opportunities
    Browse opportunities
    You can invest manually or enable our Auto Invest feature.
  • invest-money
    Deposit funds and start investing.
  • monthly-repayments
    Monthly repayments
    Choose to withdraw your earnings or reinvest for maximum return.
Investing in Private Credit
Private credit is an alternative asset class that provides high yields and short-term investments uncorrelated to the stock market. This is why institutional investors are flocking to the $7th private credit market. At Funding Souq, we offer Sharia-compliant private credit opportunities to individual and institutional investors.

At Funding Souq, we offer Sharia-compliant private credit opportunities to individual and institutional investors.
Private Credit
with Funding Souq
Real Estate
Stock Market
High Yield Sukuk or Bonds
Target Net Returns 15% p.a 8% p.a 9.4% p.a 6% p.a
Investment Horizon As little as 3 months Years Varies Varies
Diversification: Low correlation to other asset classes
Regular Monthly Income
Compliance Image
Shariah Compliance
Funding Souq offers Shariah-compliant investment and financing solutions. We are dedicated to following Islamic principles and have a Sharia Supervisory Board ensuring compliance of each transaction.

Certified by the Dar Al Sharia

Investment Calculator
Invested Funds
Investment Period
Balanced Auto-investing
Conservative Auto-investing
Invested Amount
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
Net Yield
Total Cash Return
Who can invest on Funding Souq?
Individual Investor
The existing financing across all financing opportunities can up to SAR 250,000. Additionally, investments in any single opportunity cannot exceed 25% of the opportunity's total amount.
Professional Investor
Professional investors don’t have an investment limit. To be classified as a professional investor you need to prove that your net worth exceeds $1m.
Corporate Investor
Companies that register as investors are classified as Corporate Investors.
Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, it can be deactivated and activated on the Investment Settings page at any time.

The Balanced strategy is designed to make the most of the available opportunities on Funding Souq. Our system will allocate unlimited exposure to A-rated opportunities as these are fully guaranteed through our partnership with Sharjah Media City. Given that our B-rated opportunities are not guaranteed and are riskier, our system will limit your exposure to 10% of your total portfolio for these opportunities.

The Conservative strategy is designed to minimize your risk but with that comes lower returns as well. Our system will allocate your funds to only A-rated opportunities which are fully guaranteed through our partnership with Sharjah Media City.

Auto-Investing is a feature that allows you to invest your available funds in a hassle-free manner. If enabled, our system will automatically allocate your recently deposited funds or your repayments into live opportunities on the Marketplace. There are 2 types of Auto-Investing strategies, Balanced and Conservative, and these are designed to maximize your returns on a risk-adjusted basis.

Funding Souq is open to all nationalities although there are some regulatory restrictions.

Funding Souq requires the above documents to comply with the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA). As per regulatory requirements, all regulated firms need to maintain valid ID documents and client information. This requires us to understand your identity, source of funds and previous dealings. If need may be, we might contact you for additional documents as the previous list is non-exhaustive. Funding Souq cannot withdraw money from your account and all deposits will be made by you transferring money into a segregated bank account.

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